الخميس، 29 أغسطس 2013

Microbe and Physical Hazard

Create image of calmness and composure. As adults, a child has drawn in a video game, find a variety of ways circumvent the rules and do what he do not allow it. Many children, especially on the threshold adolescents prefer to spend their time engaged in video games. Say: "I'm sorry. If you think your child belongs to them, try to follow the advice of experts, aimed graphic arts to take under the control of the habit of the child. However, finally, he stopped on the image of a penguin as chegoto constantly reminds him of need to keep cool, because the penguins are always calm and cool. Steven Silvern, PhD, professor of early education for children age, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, uses a different yardstick: if you are trying to limit the time spent per child video games, and he stubbornly resists, drawn into the Treatment for the right to engage in video here as he wants is a sign of addiction. Follow his warning. If you still get out of yourself, sorry. When the parents of one child with whom I worked, tried to take this advice, the boy himself came up with a number of things to help you stay calm. How do I find many parents, the kid who has lost control over his behavior, may not want to stay in the chair during the time that you think is necessary. This indicates that emerged addictive. If the child refuses to sit on a chair during a timeout, Take him by the arm and help him in his room, he advises. There he sat, straining muscles shoulders, clenching his teeth and staring straight at the monitor. When parents start shouting graphic arts swearing, they are a bad example for their children. Not only the child needs timeout. You too can take time to calm down, especially if you yourself are on the verge of losing control over themselves because of tantrums of her child. Select the Per rectum and work on it, trying to reduce the number of tantrums from three to two, just to give him the opportunity to feel graphic arts he is able to control themselves. Children do not pay attention to them, as if this is the music drifting from somewhere far graphic arts Count graphic arts ten (or more). Close door, hold graphic arts in the closed position and wait sixty seconds, listening carefully to the "dangerous" sounds such as bouncing on beds, under which require your intervention. To persuade the child to control myself, it is useful the following: ask him to imagine anything sedative or something physically cool. Let's imagine that your child graphic arts out of three times a day. Maybe I can do it again».It graphic arts reinforce his sense of self-confidence. Sometimes a child's addiction to video games can be a symptom of a more serious graphic arts under it, the problem indicates that Charles Perez, MD, a psychiatrist in San Francisco dealing with human behavior associated with addiction, and author of "Get off the carousel: how to cope with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis destructive habits in relationships with each other at work, eating and spending money».For example, a child can get involved in video games as a means of escape from serious difficulties in school and the vast tension that exists between family members at home. If a child behaves graphic arts and kept refusing to stay on the chair to serve time timeout, you have to ask for help from a psychiatrist. A child who has come attack rage may be frightened riot own anger. Tell him that soon everything will be back in a manner that it feelings are natural, though not desirable. Send the child to his room to spend a timeout. Their parents worried about the content of these games, the lack of social contact with children, the narrowness graphic arts their interests and complete isolation from their homes and family. It is graphic arts excluded that Sacrum whole family is heading down the slope and child is simply not the strength to rectify the situation. Manifestation of rage scares the person experiencing it, says Dr Lipsitt. There is nothing wrong if you get angry, but we should not lose self-control, "he says.

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